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Qui de l’œuf ou de l’émeu ? À la découverte de l’orfèvrerie coloniale australienne

       C’est un fait bien connu, les émeus pondent des œufs d’une taille impressionnante : 13 à 14 cm de long pour environ 900g. De quoi faire une omelette avantageuse ! La passion qu’ont brièvement inspiré ces œufs à l’aristocratie australienne de la fin du XIXème siècle ne doit pourtant rien à leurs qualités culinaires.

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comments 5

The origins of anthropology: between racism and colonialism

At the end of the 20th century, anthropologists began to recognise the involvement of their discipline in the domination of other peoples through slavery, imperialism and colonialism. In what way could a discipline that aims to study Man participate in the domination and discrimination of the latter? How could anthropology, in the early stages of its formation, have served a colonial ideology? It is on these questions that this article aims to reflect. But first of all, we need to understand what 'anthropology' means and what the roots of this discipline are. Read More